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    Flop Analysis Workbook – 200 BB Full Ring – Product Release Video

    Flop Analysis Workbook – 200 BB Full Ring – Product Release Video

    I built this workbook to analyze equilibrium flop frequencies across a variety of formations. I wanted to improve my flop strategy with a data-driven approach. In that process, I have pored through the data within many times and it has greatly helped my game.

    I believe that it can be very useful for others as a study tool to help build your own strategies. I must emphasize that I don’t believe this product is right for everyone. But if you spend time studying using data or spreadsheets, I think that this can be very helpful.

    – Increase your understanding of equilibrium flop strategies with solver output data from 184 flops across 32 formations
    – Improve your understanding of how ranges interact across different board types
    – Develop better instincts through identifying concepts through pattern recognition
    – Sort, filter, and aggregate the data in a variety of different ways to study more efficiently
    – Utilize the data as a foundational component of your own independent studies

    The data has been generated using PioSolver to solve a 184-flop subset for 32 different common formations, both single raised pots and 3-bet pots. All solutions were configured to model a 200 BB, deeper-stacked full-ring cash hold’em game.

    To purchase, please visit

    After the purchase, please send the System ID from the activation screen to [email protected]. You will get a license key emailed to you within 24-hours that is unique to your PC.