Product Unboxing/Review: X Ring USA 12 Gauge Survival Loader (think of Lee Loader clone)
Another product I accidentally found during my online travels that I can’t live life without owning.
I’m a HUGE fan of older reloading items and Lee Loaders in various calibers are no exception. I like seeing the new (e.g., 45 ACP in the transparent red plastic case) offerings as compared to the original offerings (cardboard box, form-fit Styrofoam and paper inserts) to see how things have changed (or remained the same) over time. Unfortunately, Lee now only offers certain calibers in the Loader kits for hand loading and 12 gauge isn’t one of them.
That’s where X Ring USA comes in. This is a WELL MADE updated/modern version of the Lee Loader (in my opinion). Has everything the original Lee Loader had as well as some additional (funnel, powder capsules, swager, crimp starters [depending on Lee kit] and base) items. Nice combination of steel and aluminum parts. Nothing “cheapie” here. All high quality materials and for the price, great stuff (if you buy the Hornady crimp starters alone online they are about $12 each [plus shipping], so that alone is 1/3 the price of the kit) from my point of view.
Video compares the original Lee Loader in 12 gauge with the X Ring USA Survival Loader in 12 gauge. I go through “loading” a hull so you get to see my trial/error and finally discovering the swager. All in all, a great addition to the shotshell collection.